Who We Are
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Here at Yateley Baptist Church, we have people of all ages and backgrounds and love to welcome new people to our church to hear about the good news of Jesus Christ.
Our church culture is driven by what scripture tells us the church should be like. This means we strive to show love and compassion towards one another, helping each other to grow in our spiritual journey. This also means that we are a gospel centred church and the example set by Jesus Christ also guides us in all that we do.
As the world continues to change around us, it is more important than ever that the church holds tightly to the truth of the gospel. This means that we are a church that aims to be in the world, but not of the world. We believe in the unchanging truth of God’s word which is as true today as it was when it was first written.
Our purpose as a church is to do what God commanded his disciples to do, to spread the good news of the gospel and be salt and light in this world. We do this by faithfully preaching the gospel every Sunday, engaging in prayer, and supporting in mission to save sinners.