Midweek Meetings

Below are details of our regular midweek meetings. We also have other occasional activities. For a full list of upcoming meetings and activities, see our Church Calendar.

Fellowship Groups

We usually meet at the manse on the first and third Tuesday of each month. There are two meetings to choose from, one in the morning 10:30am-12:00pm and one in the evening 7:30pm-9:00pm.

Both follow a similar format, where we have Bible study, discussion and prayer. Come half an hour earlier to have tea or coffee and biscuits before the meeting.

Zoom: For those unable to attend in person who wish to join via Zoom, please send a request in advance to ybctech@gmail.com. Church Members can access Zoom links via the ‘Members’ page.

Prayer Meeting

We meet either at the church or in someone’s home on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm for prayer. See Church Calendar for venues.

Zoom: For those unable to attend in person who wish to join via Zoom, please send a request in advance to ybctech@gmail.com. Church Members can access Zoom links via the ‘Members’ page.

Coffee & Chat

Normally held at the church in the back hall on the second Thursday of each month 10:30am-12:00pm. See Church Calendar.

A gathering of older men and women who meet for friendship, to chat and to drink tea and coffee with biscuits. All are welcome!

For further information, speak to Jeff or email coffeeandchat@yateleybaptist.com.

Women’s Fellowship

Normally held on the fourth Thursday of each month, either in the morning or afternoon. Time, venue and programme varies. See Church Calendar for dates and times.

For further information, speak to Shirley at church or send an email to womensfellowship@yateleybaptist.com.

Ladies’ Events

Quarterly events for all ladies that take place at different venues and at different times! Events include a short devotional talk and a variety of activities, in fact anything that interests the ladies! See Church Calendar for dates and times.

For further information, speak to Wendy or Cath or send an email to ladies@yateleybaptist.com.

Sonseekers & Sonseekers Plus

Children’s clubs held every Wednesday, term time only 5:45pm-7:15pm. For further information see Children & Youth or send an email to youth@yateleybaptist.com.